Ages 0-9 Months
Even at the earliest stages of development, we know that infants are stimulated and comforted by music. Babies 0-9 months old participating in Sprouting Melodies 1 with their parent or caregiver will be joining in simple song structures that increase their awareness of themselves and others, nurture healthy bonds and develop trust with the world around them. With all that we know about brain development in infancy, it is really all that we can’t see at this age that is so incredibly vital to healthy growth. The repetition of musical experiences designed specifically for your little one will lay the ground work for a life full of learning!
Ages 6-18 Months
For babies and young toddlers, music is all about exploring! Exploring the sounds, the touch, the feel, and yes, even the taste of everything around them! The active music making and music listening in Sprouting Melodies 2 is designed to support children 6-18 months old as they build trust and increase their understanding of the world around them. The engaging songs immerse the babies in the musical experiences and provide many new ways to learn about themselves.They also find that they can control many things as they learn to make music independently with a variety of instruments including drums, maracas and bells. Socially, these young children begin to anticipate and initiate the play as they explore being in music!
Ages 18 Months to 3 Years
Between 18 months and 3 years of age, each day is an adventure full of growth and exploration! Songs become learned and mastered, and young children want to show off their new skills and independence. Within our music experiences, Sprouting Melodies 3 provides the routine that toddlers crave yet provides the freedom and creativity for children to grow in self-expression and to build social relationships with their peers in music . Through instrument play, movement and singing songs, children in this group will be supported as they move through their own personal journey of social, emotional, physical and cognitive growth.
Ages 2.5 to 4 Years
Your child is growing so fast now and exploring new ways of playing, interacting, and making music. As young children develop between two and a half and four years of age, they need lots of opportunities for freedom, imagination, creativity and social play. With increased verbal, cognitive and imaginative problem solving skills, the children in Sprouting Melodies 4 will be “leaders” in music experiences as they explore and create a musical environment that fosters growth. In Sprouting Melodies 4, the music therapist in this group serves as a guide for their newly developed ways of playing with sounds, instruments, toys, their peers and their parents.
Ages 0-5 Years
All young children can learn and grow in music. Family Sprouts gathers kids and families together and provides opportunities for children of different ages to learn and interact together. In music making, as in development, babies, toddlers and preschoolers have unique needs. Each Family Sprouts class includes active music making designed to elicit different responses from the children based on their cognitive, social and physical skills. The Sprouting Melodies Provider (R) will be able to direct parents on how the experience for children of different ages will be unique. This is also a great class for siblings and twins and will give you lots of new ways to incorporate music in your family time at home.
Ages 0-5 Years
Special Sprouts is a unique musical place where all children can be free to create and join in music making that is specifically tailored to assure engagement, joy and success for all. The focus of Special Sprouts centers on providing a supportive, facilitated atmosphere for children who need music experiences that take full advantage of individual strengths while minimizing the impact of difficulties.